Choreography Marius Petipa
Additional choreography Anthony Dowell
Additional choreography Frederick Ashton
Additional choreography Christopher Wheeldon
Production Monica Mason
Production Christopher Newton
Music Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky
Original designs Oliver Messel
Additional designs Peter Farmer
Lighting design Mark Jonathan
Staging Christopher Carr
Princess Aurora Marianela Nuñez
Prince Florimund Vadim Muntagirov
King Florestan XXIV Christopher Saunders
His Queen Elizabeth McGorian
Cattalabutte, Master of Ceremonies Alastair Marriott
Carabosse Kristen McNally
Lilac Fairy Claire Calvert
Fairy of the Crystal Fountain Yuhui Choe
Her Cavalier Luca Acri
Fairy of the Enchanted Garden Akane Takada
Her Cavalier Valeri Hristov
Fairy of the Woodland Glade Yasmine Naghdi
Her Cavalier Nicol Edmonds
Fairy of the Song Bird Meaghan Grace Hinkis
Her Cavalier Solomon Golding
Fairy of the Golden Vine Anna Rose O'Sullivan
Her Cavalier Fernando Montaño
Lilac Fairy's Cavalier Ryoichi Hirano
The English Prince Gary Avis
The French Prince Johannes Stepanek
The Indian Prince Valeri Hristov
The Russian Prince Thomas Whitehead
The Countess Christina Arestis
Gallison Jonathan Howells
Florestan and his Sisters Marcelino Sambé, Yasmine Naghdi, Mayara Magri
Puss-in-Boots and The White Cat Paul Kay, Leticia Stock
Princess Florine and The Bluebird Akane Takada, Alexander Campbell
Red Riding Hood and The Wolf Gemma Pitchley-Gale, Tomas Mock
KARAS APPARATUSでの公演は、独特の親密な小宇宙のようなスペース、小さな黒い箱の中で完全に光をコントロールしたパフォーマンスなので、いつも完全に別世界に連れていかれて、他のすべてのことを忘れてしまうような、ある意味癒しの空間ともなっています。公演を重ねるごとに、この「パフューム」も変容していくと思われるので、その変容を見届けたい、そんな気持ちにもなります。